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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day: Five Businesses Hoping to Reap the Rewards of the Rapture

May 20, 2011 

"Judgment Day" is just 24 hours away and many are turning to the almighty dollar for salvation.  While some evangelical Christians are preparing to be taken away to heavenly realms, the less devout have been trying to profit off the prophecy.  Family Radio, a non-profit, listener-supported religious organization based in Oakland, Calif., has declared that May 21 will mark the end of the world, when Jesus Christ arrives for his second coming and the "rapture" of his believers.  Gunther von Harringa, spokesman for Family Radio and president of Bible Ministries International, said it is "ludicrous" to think that businesses will be able to function after Judgment Day. However, that's not stopping people from trying to make money for a tomorrow some think will never come.  Five Businesses Hoping to Reap the Rewards of the Rapture: 

1. External Earthbound Pets  Eternal Earthbound Pets offers a service to rescue and take care of pets once their owners are no longer earthbound.  Bart Centre of New Hampshire, co-owner of the pet business, launched it in June 2009. He has zero belief in Judgment Day, but began to see an increase in sales inquiries in December, which, he believes, is related to Family Radio's heavy marketing campaign around the May 21 date. PHOTO: Man in Times Square holds sign proclaiming Judgment Day Spencer Platt/Getty Images Participants in a loosely organized Christian... View Full Size May 21st Doomsday Comes to New York Watch Video Doomsday: May 21, 2011? Watch Video A 'View' of May 21st Doomsday Watch Video  Sales increased during the first quarter of this year by 27 percent compared with the first quarter of last year, which Centre attributes to the May 21 campaign. Centre increased his rates in January. It now costs $135 to rescue one pet and $20 for an additional pet at the same address, which he collects up front. That's up from $110 for the first pet and $10 for an additional pet. 

2. Post-Rapture Post  Post-Rapture Post is a message delivery service to those left behind after the apocalypse. Joshua Witter started the website in 2004 after a casual conversation with his friends about what believers might want after they leave their non-believing loved ones behind.  Witter, an atheist, charges $4.99 to $799.99 to deliver a pre-written letter to those loved ones. Ritter said he suspects the postal service and email services will not be available.  Witter, the postmaster general of the Post-Rapture Post, said he has only sold his simplest letter product at $1.99, although he does offer more elaborate options. For $800, a calligrapher (a friend of his) will handwrite your letter on "medieval parchment style paper."  Witter, who has another day job, said there has not been renewed interest as a result of the May 21 campaign. 

3. Northwest Shelter Systems  Kevin Thompson, co-owner of Northwest Shelter Systems, based in Idaho, said concerns about a nuclear disaster -- not Judgment Day -- have driven recent sales of his hidden rooms and bomb shelters.  "We're not a doom-and-gloom company by any means," he said. "People are still purchasing shelters from us for a number of other reasons."  Sales have increased 60 to 70 percent since the start of this year, he said. He attributes the growth mostly to the tsunami and earthquake in Japan in March, and especially the resulting concerns about radiation emitting from the Fukushima plant, north of Tokyo. 

4. End of the World Parties  Bars and clubs across the country are hosting parties to commemorate the occasion. Fittingly, the Tavern at the End of the World, in Boston, is hosting an End of the World Party tomorrow evening. Manager Raymond O'Neill says he has been fielding lots of calls for the event and expects it will be good for business.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Portia Lenne

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Opium Sundays at BOSS Ultra Lounge ("Epitome Of Sexy" calendar edition)

Today at 7:00pm - Tomorrow at 3:00am

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tazzy B: Raw New Artist

Tazzy B-- "So Right"
This raw new artist makes beats and rhymes from his garage. He's a little rough around the edges, but definitely has a lot of talent and promise. Tell me what you think! Suggestions, comment, email me at or Click here to hear more of his creations.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

30 years on, Bob Marley’s legacy wanes in Jamaica

30 years on, Bob Marley’s legacy wanes in Jamaica

Newt Gingrich announces bid for president

ATLANTA — Newt Gingrich is running for president.
"I will be on to talk about my run for president of the United States," Gingrich wrote after spending a year or more publicly laying the groundwork for a GOP presidential candidacy. "I have been humbled by all the encouragement you have given me to run."

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich arrives for a 2012 presidential exploratory committee fund-raising event Wednesday, April 13, 2011, in Atlanta. / DAVID GOLDMAN/AP

The move was hardly a surprise; Gingrich has spent months raising money, assembling a campaign team and visiting early primary states. He also quietly opened a campaign headquarters in Atlanta, and had long been scheduled to address the Georgia Republican Party Convention on Friday in Macon, Ga. Aides say that will be his first speech as a full-fledged candidate.
Gingrich, 67, enters a Republican field that's far from fully formed; no less than a dozen Republicans are weighing bids and only a few have taken steps toward candidacies. It's a crop of candidates that has many in the Republican Party yearning for more options as they seek the strongest candidate to take on President Barack Obama in 2012.
Besides high name recognition, Gingrich brings to the race a slew of policy ideas, a network of grassroots support and a political machine years in the making.
But his personal baggage — he's on his third marriage — could hinder his chances as he seeks to woo conservatives who make up the core of the GOP primary electorate.
His entry into the race marks a comeback attempt more than a decade after leaving political office.
The conservative former Georgia congressman rose to power after leading the GOP to its first majority in the House in 40 years, spearheading the Republican revolution in the 1994 elections and pledging to adhere to his party's "Contract with America."
Once at the top of the House, he challenged the first-term Democratic president, Bill Clinton, at every turn. A spending fight between Gingrich and Clinton led to federal government shutdowns in 1995 and 1996, and Gingrich watched his popularity fall.
He faced charges of hypocrisy after revelations that he was carrying on an affair with a congressional aide at the same time he was criticizing Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. He divorced his second wife and married the aide, Callista Bisek; she now goes by her husband's surname.
In an interview earlier this year with a Christian broadcaster, Gingrich said his focus on his job contributed to his infidelity and the failure of his two previous marriages.
Ethics questions also dogged him as speaker.
Gingrich faced some 84 ethics complaints; they were leveled mostly by House Democrats who were in the minority and focused on what critics called his blurring of the lines between politics and his personal life. All but one of those complaints was dismissed with no penalty.
He paid $300,000 for the cost of investigating the final complaint — whether Gingrich's college course had violated federal tax law — as part of an agreement with House ethics investigators. Led by Republicans, the ethics committee never reached a conclusion about that allegation. And the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the course of any tax violations.
He stepped down from the House in 1999.
Since then, he's traveled the world speaking on issues from health care to foreign affairs, built a lucrative network of nonprofit and business ventures, and written a steady stream of books. All of that has made him one of the nation's most well-known Republicans, with a loyal following.
In recent months as he geared up for a run, Gingrich has lambasted Obama's federal health law and has criticized the Democrat's foreign policy as "clueless."
Gingrich also has been working to make inroads with social conservatives critical to the GOP primary base, highlighting his conversion to Catholicism after marrying Callista.
She works with her husband on documentary films and has figured prominently in campaign appearances in the months since Gingrich made clear he was considering a run.
Although he has lived in northern Virginia for more than a decade, the Pennsylvania-born Gingrich has also been playing up his Georgia roots. He taught college in Georgia and was a longtime congressman from suburban Atlanta, helping build the Republican Party in the state dominated at the time by Democrats.
Associated Press Writer Philip Elliot contributed to this report.