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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden

Was burying bin Laden at sea a mistake?

Amid the justified celebrations over the killing of Osama bin Laden, an awkward question is starting to rear its head: Did U.S. policymakers err in burying the al Qaeda leader at sea?
Already, the decision has provoked criticism from some Islamic scholars, who say a maritime burial isn't in keeping with Muslim law. And there are signs that the move could help fuel skepticism, especially among President Obama's critics, about whether bin Laden was really killed at all.
The Pentagon has said the body was treated in accordance with traditional Islamic procedures--including washing the corpse--before it was placed in the waters of the northern Arabian Sea.
U.S. officials have said they wanted to avoid the al Qaeda leader's grave site becoming a shrine for his followers. They've also said it would have been difficult to find a foreign country willing to accept bin Laden's remains, especially in so short a time: Islamic tradition and practice call for the body of the deceased to be buried within 24 hours of death.
But several Muslim authorities said today that the sea burial in fact violated Muslim tradition--and warned that it could help trigger calls for revenge from militant Muslims.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a big mistake and I feel his body should have been returned to his family. Iknow they are saying the whole thing about being a martyr and his followers creating a place to make him a martyr and all that,but it gives these islamic fundamentalists more reasons to try and recruit other idiots to join them. I also feel they need to publish the death pics of him, they did for Saddam and his two sons why not Osama?
