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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Portia Lenne

Hello my name is Portia ...Portia Forest Gump (although fictional) should inspire us all. Overcoming adversity is the human condition....especially these days.You ever have a dream and know that your almost there.....That's my situation....I"m "Three feet from Gold"! Have you ever heard that story before? Well if not it goes something like this....There was a young man who sold all his belongings to move to California during the Gold Rush.The young man purchased a  a house , tools and brought his desire to become rich....settled in and began his quest.

         Each day he packed up and went to the nearby mine (located on his property) and mined. Each day he returned home unsuccessful. After several weeks of this type of defeat as his  supplies and funds dwindled, so did his determination.Several months dragged on (in his heart) and he decided to sell the property, cut his loses and move back home. So he did, he unloaded the disaster zone on an unsuspecting younger man and moved back home. This new homeowner in all his excitement, immediately began mining...several days, possibly weeks passed yet he continued to dig. Finally, he struck Gold....three feet from where the previous owner left off.

Wow can you imagine how the previous owner would have felt if he knew how close he was to striking gold? So as I embark onto this modeling and acting career, promoters, agents, producers, directors; please check out this site and help me move my dream to reality.

Never lose sight of why you began a project...never give up because you may be " THREE FEET FROM GOLD" .
Check out my website: 
 click here.
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